My device Is 4G, but I received a notification about the 3G closure. Am I impacted?

Important: Having 4G capability alone isn't enough to ensure your device will work after 3G shutdown commenced on 28 October 2024.

Why you received a notification
If we've contacted you about the 3G closure notifying you about an impacted device, our network data likely indicates that a device on your account either:

  • Lacks VoLTE (HD calling) capability
  • Currently makes emergency calls over 3G
  • Needs software updates to enable VoLTE

Understanding VoLTE requirements
A 4G device must have VoLTE (Voice over LTE or HD calling) capability to make calls after the shutdown. Without VoLTE, mobile phones are blocked from the network, even if it can connect to 4G for data.

For calling devices (phones)
Your device needs:

  • 4G or 5G data capability
  • VoLTE support for voice calls
  • Ability to make emergency calls over 4G

For non-calling devices
If your device only uses data (like tablets, dongles or IoT devices), it only needs 4G capability to continue working after the shutdown. VoLTE isn't required for devices that don't make calls.

Checking your device
Text '3G' to 3498 to check if your device needs:

  • A hardware upgrade
  • Software updates
  • Settings changes

This will help you understand exactly what action you need to take after the shut down date.